FTP: Put Node

The FTP: Put Node allows a workflow to upload a file to an FTP or SFTP server.

FTP: Put Node

Node Properties

There are three main configuration sections for the FTP: Put Node …

Connection Configuration

FTP: Put Node Credentials

First, enter the required information to establish the connection to the server.

  • Connection Method: SFTP, FTPS, or FTP.
  • Hostname: (Required) The address of the server.
  • Port: Defaults to 22 for SFTP and 21 for FTPS and FTP.

Depending on the chosen Connection Method, there are additional values to provide.


  • Username: (Required) The username for establishing the SFTP connection.
  • Authentication Method: (Required) Choose one of the options and then fill in the provided input …

    • Password: The password associated with the username.
    • Private Key: A private key for authenticating the user against the server.


  • Username: The username for establishing the connection. This is required only if a password is provided, though most servers require this value.
  • Password: The password for the provided username. This is optional, but is required by most servers.

In addition, FTPS connections take the following optional SSL properties to establish a secure connection:

  • Client Certificate Key: A private key associated with the client certificate. Required if Client Certificate is provided.
  • Client Certificate: A TLS/SSL Certificate which verifies the identity of the client. Required if Client Certificate Key is provided.
  • Disable SSL Verification: If checked, the server certificate will not be checked against the supplied CA Certificate.
  • Custom CA Certificate: A certificate to compare against the server. Necessary only if the server is using a self-signed certificate. The input is disabled if the server is Disable SSL Verification is checked.


FTP connections are similar to FTPS connections in that most require a Username and Password; however, FTP connections are not established over secure channels and thus do not require SSL configuration.

File Configuration

FTP: Put Node Config

Next is to configure the fields required to upload a file. All applicable fields are templatable:

  • Input Type: (Required) Choose one of the options and then fill in the provided input …

    • File Content Template: The content to upload. If left blank, your configured file will be uploaded without any content.
    • File URL Template: The URL where the file you wish to upload can be found.
  • File Name: (Required) The basename of the file to upload. If the file already exists, it will be replaced.
  • Directory Name: (Required) The full path of the directory to upload to.
  • File Encoding: (Required) The encoding of the file that you’re uploading. Defaults to UTF-8.


FTP: Put Node Output

  • Result Path: The result of the operation will be placed in an object at the specified payload path.

Node Example

When the operation successfully executes, the result will contain a success property with a value of true:

  "success": true

Node Errors

In the case of an error, the resulting object will contain an error object in addition to the success property:

  "error": {
    "message": "530 Non-anonymous sessions must use encryption"
  "success": false

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