Bulk Device Actions
Bulk device actions provide an easy way to perform a number of actions on multiple devices at once. Access to all bulk action options can be found in the “Bulk Device Actions” menu on the Devices page in the application.
Update Devices
First, select the devices to update in the “Select Devices” section. Select either update all devices in the application, or choose to query a subset of devices. Confirm the number of devices being updated at the bottom of the page before submitting the form.
Once the devices to be updated have been selected, choose at least one operation to perform on those devices in the “Update Properties” section. Details of each available operation are listed below.
Device Tag: Remove
Removes a tag key from all devices in the query. Devices included in the query that do not have a matching tag will not be affected. Note that the tag key must be unique across all Device Tag: Remove and Device Tag: Set Value operations.
Device Tag: Set Value
Sets a tag value for all devices in the query. If the tag already exists on a device, its value will be overwritten. Note that the tag key must be unique across all Device Tag: Remove and Device Tag: Set Value operations.
Attribute: Remove
Removes the attribute selected from all devices in the query. Devices included in the query that do not have a matching attribute will not be affected. This applies systems and non-systems alike. Note that attribute names must be unique across the Attribute: Add (Non-System), Attribute: Add (System), Attribute: Remove, Attribute Description: Set, Attribute Description: Remove, Attribute Tag: Set, and Attribute Tag: Remove operations.
Attribute: Add (Non-System)
Adds the attribute specified to all devices in the query that are not system devices. Validation for the attribute specified is the same as all device attributes. Note that attribute names must be unique across the Attribute: Add (Non-System), Attribute: Remove, Attribute Description: Set, Attribute Description: Remove, Attribute Tag: Set, and Attribute Tag: Remove operations.
Attribute: Add (System)
The same as the Attribute: Add operation, but for system devices only.
Attribute Tag: Remove
Removes the attribute tag specified from any attribute matching the name. Devices included in the query that do not have a matching attribute or tag on that attribute will not be affected. Note that attribute names must be unique across the Attribute: Add (Non-System), Attribute: Add (System), and Attribute: Remove operations. The attribute tag cannot match any tags in an Attribute Tag: Set operation.
Attribute Tag: Set
Sets an attribute tag value for all devices in the query. If the tag already exists on an attribute on the device, its value will be overwritten. Note that the tag key must be unique across all Device Tag: Remove and Device Tag: Set Value operations. The attribute tag cannot match any tags in an Attribute Tag: Remove operation.
Attribute Description: Remove
Removes the description from an attribute for all devices in the query. Devices included in the query that do not have a matching attribute will not be affected. Note that attribute names must be unique across the Attribute: Add (Non-System), Attribute: Add (System), Attribute: Remove, Attribute Description: Set, and Attribute Description: Remove operations.
Attribute Description: Set
Sets the description for an attribute for all devices in the query. All descriptions already set on the selected attribute will be overwritten. Note that attribute names must be unique across the Attribute: Add (Non-System), Attribute: Add (System), Attribute: Remove, Attribute Description: Set, and Attribute Description: Remove operations.
Device Class: Set
Updates the device class for all devices in the query. Devices of the system class will not be affected, and you may not choose to set the device class to system. Only one Device Class: Set operation is allowed at a time, and Gateway ID: Set operations are not allowed in conjunction with it.
If you choose to set the device class to peripheral, you must also be sure to choose either to choose to scope it to any gateway device or a specific gateway device. If you choose to scope it to a specific gateway device, you must choose that device from the dropdown provided.
Gateway ID: Set
Sets the gateway ID for all peripheral devices in your query. Only one Gateway ID: Set operation is allowed at a time, and Device Class: Set operations are not allowed in conjunction with it.
Parent ID: Remove
Removes the parent ID from all system devices in your query, thus dissociating them from your system hierarchy. Only one Parent ID: Remove operation is allowed at a time.
Parent ID: Set
Sets the parent ID for all system devices in your query, with the exception of any that may cause a circular dependency. Only one Parent ID: Set operation is allowed at a time.
System Interval: Set
Sets the system interval for all system devices in your query. Only one System Interval: Set operation is allowed at a time.
System Keep Duplicates: Set
Sets the Keep Duplicates for all system devices in your query. Only one System Keep Duplicates: Set operation is allowed at a time.
Export Devices
To export the metadata of devices, select “Export Devices” from the “Bulk Device Actions” dropdown menu. Within the modal, provide a recipient email address to send the export to, then click “Request Export” to submit. Shortly after requesting export, the recipient email provided will receive an email that includes a link to a file containing the exported metadata.
Request Data Export
To request a data export for devices, select “Request Data Export” from the “Bulk Device Actions” dropdown menu. Within the modal, provide a recipient email address to send the export to, optionally provide a start and end date range to filter the data by, and lastly, determine the export style of blob data within your export. To request the export, click “Request Data Export”. After requesting the export, the recipient email address provided will receive an email that includes a link to a CSV file containing the exported device data. Depending on the number of devices and the time range requested, this could take a few hours.
If the size of the CSV file for the export exceeds 10GB, the export will terminate and the recipient email address will receive an email about that termination. If that occurs, Losant recommends either splitting the data export request into multiple requests (for instance, requesting an export per month instead of for an entire year at once), or setting up Application Archiving (which will do automatic daily exporting of data).
Send Command
To send a command to many devices at once, select “Send Command” from the “Bulk Device Actions” dropdown menu. Within the modal, provide a command name and optionally a command payload. To send, click “Send Command”.
Delete Data
To delete device data, select “Delete Data” from the “Bulk Device Actions” dropdown menu. By default, all device attribute state data, all device command history, and all device connection logs will be deleted. Within the modal, you can optionally configure deletion settings giving you more granular control over what gets deleted. To delete, acknowledge the confirmation checkbox, then click “Delete Data”. Note: This action is permanent and cannot be undone.
Delete Devices
To delete devices, select “Delete Devices” from the “Bulk Device Actions” dropdown menu. To perform, acknowledge the confirmation checkbox, then click “Delete Devices”. Note: This action is permanent and cannot be undone.
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