Time Series Graph

The Time Series Graph allows you to display and compare historical telemetry data across multiple devices and attributes.

Time Series Dashboard

Users may hover their mouse over the graph to display a tooltip, which shows the value of each series at that moment in time. If any other time series graphs within the same dashboard have data at the same timestamp, those graphs will also display their tooltip at the corresponding timestamp automatically.


There are a number of configuration options for the graph as a whole, as well as its individual series.

Data Type

The Time Series Graph can display points as a live stream (rendering a point on the graph as soon as the data hits the platform) or as a historical graph. Each style has its own advantages:

  • Live stream graphs provide feedback with more immediacy than historical graphs, as they do not require a dashboard data refresh to populate with new data. If a graph segment references multiple devices by ID or tag, a point will be rendered on the graph for that segment anytime any of the matching devices reports state for the chosen attribute.
  • Historical graphs allow for data to be aggregated according to a number of rules (based on time ranges, mathematical functions and the combination of data from multiple sources), and they also allow for viewing past dashboard states.

Time Series Settings

Duration and Resolution

Next, set a Duration - or, the length of time depicted across the graph’s X axis. This defaults to your dashboard’s global duration, though you may select any duration ranging from 5 minutes up to 180 days.

Once you have chosen a duration, also select an appropriate Resolution for the graph, which represents the length of time for each time bucket (or point) on the graph. Lower resolutions lead to more points represented on the graph - which, depending on the data being depicted, may or may not be desirable. When choosing the dashboard’s global duration, the resolution automatically sets to the global resolution and cannot be changed without first changing the duration.

The resolution and the aggregation specified in the block data section work together to generate a data point. For example, if the resolution is 60 minutes and the aggregator is Mean, Losant will average all of the data together in 60-minute increments to create a single point on the graph per hour on the hour.

If the Allow block viewers to change duration and resolution option is selected, consumers of the dashboard will have the option of choosing different durations and resolutions in the dashboard view, either by selecting them from the dropdown menu or by zooming in on sections of the graph.

Note: If “Live Stream” is selected as the data type, the “Resolution” selector and the “Allow block viewers to change duration and resolution” checkbox disappear from the block configuration. For “Historical” graphs, the “Resolution” setting is ignored for any graph segment that uses a “None” aggregation method; instead, all of the segment’s data points are represented as their true, unaggregated values down to the millisecond timestamp.

Block Data

The Time Series Graph is configured as individual series. The example above is displaying the weather, dew point and humidity levels over the past 24 hours. Since each is configured as a separate series, each one displays as its own graph on the chart.

To add a new segment to the graph, click the “Add Segment” button at the bottom of the configuration panel. At least one series is required.

Time Series Settings

There are a number of configuration options for each series:

  • Device IDs / Tags is a device query for selecting the device(s) that should be part of the query. At least one ID or one tag is required.
  • Attribute is the single device attribute to graph in the series. Depending on the chosen aggregation method, some attribute data types cannot be depicted on a time series graph.
  • Aggregation is the aggregator applied to the series based on the chosen devices and resolution. The above example has the resolution set to 20 minutes. This means if weather data is being reported once every five minutes, each data point on the graph will be the average of four readings. (Note: If “live stream” is chosen for the graph’s data type, this option will disappear.)

There are a few data transformation properties you may set, which will not affect the raw data returned by your query but will adjust the data before it is applied to the graph.

  • Expression allows you to apply an expression to each data point in the segment. If an invalid expression is provided, the point reverts to its raw value. You have access to the following variables when evaluating the expression:

    • {{value}} - The raw data point’s value.
    • {{time}} - Time of the data point in milliseconds since Epoch.
    • {{ctx.VARIABLE_NAME}} - Value of a given context variable.
  • Cumulative, when checked, means that the point graphed at any given time is the sum of that point plus all previous points that are currently displayed.
  • Connect Line Across Data Gaps, when checked, will display a line between all reported data points. If not checked, the line connecting data points will break if no data was reported for that resolution bucket. If “Bar” is selected for the display style, this option is disabled.

There are also a handful of parameters that only affect the graph’s display properties and not the data itself:

  • Series Label is the label to apply to the data series in the graph’s legend and tooltip.
  • Color is the color used to represent the data in the chart. These are automatically assigned as series are added, but each can be overridden.
  • Display As is the graph type. “Line” is the default, but series may also be displayed as bar charts or area charts.
  • Dot Weight is the thickness of the dot applied to the series. If “Bar” is selected for the display style, this option is disabled.
  • Line Weight is the thickness of the line applied to the series. If “Bar” is selected for the display style, this option is disabled.
  • Line Type is the style of the line applied to the series. If “Bar” is selected for the display style, this option is disabled.
  • Y Axis Label is an optional label to apply to the Y Axis. If provided, this will draw a new axis for this series; however, if any two axes labels, minimums and maximums all match, only one of the two axes will be drawn on the graph. If left blank, the default left axis is used for the series.
  • Y Axis Min and Y Axis Max are user-defined caps at the bottom and top of the chart, respectively. Data for the series will be graphed on this scale. If you choose not to define a minimum or maximum value, the Time Series Graph will automatically define a scale based on the data set it is currently rendering for the data series.


Optionally, you may choose to display a legend at the bottom of the graph, which depicts each segment’s label and color beneath the chart. In addition to providing a key for what each segment represents, legend items may be clicked to temporarily hide segments.

Changing Graph Time Ranges

If you have enabled the Allow block viewers to change duration and resolution option, it is possible for end users to change the graph’s end time, duration, and resolution from the dashboard view. This allows for a quick glimpse of the data from your Time Series Graph at different time range settings without having to edit the block configuration. This can be accomplished one of two ways …

Mouse-Based Zooming

Time Series Graph Zoom

Hovering your mouse over the graph will display a tooltip representing the point in time where the cursor appears, along with any segment values associated with that timestamp. By clicking and holding the mouse and dragging in either direction, you may select a time range to set as the graph’s temporary start and end point. When doing so, the dashboard’s resolution will automatically set to a value approximately matching the original graph’s granularity.

Block Dropdown

Alternatively, you may change the graph’s duration and/or resolution by clicking the time selector in the top right corner of the block. This will display a dropdown with other time range options. (Your resolution may automatically change to a new value if its current value is not valid given a new duration.)

Time Series Dropdown Time Change

After selecting a new time range, click Update to change your graph to the new time selection.

Resetting Custom Ranges

If a custom time range is applied through either method, the graph will indicate that state by highlighting and displaying the time range dropdown. Opening the menu displays the currently selected duration and resolution, as well as a link to reset the dashboard block to its original state.

Time Series Reset Zoom

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